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ADHD or Something Else?

The DSM is a guide that many clinicians use to diagnose. The DSM lists approximately 300 disorders, including Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The disorders vary by symptoms and the age when the disorders are most likely to occur. One set of symptoms that can be a sign of several different mental health disorders is difficulties with attention and concentration. Since these issues can be a sign of several different disorders, a person experiencing problems with attention and concentration should not be automatically diagnosed with ADHD. Below are several examples of attention-impairing disorders that are not ADHD.

In conclusion, having problems with attention and concentration could be a sign of a variety of issues. Treatment for each is quite different, so it is important to have an accurate diagnosis. Be sure to choose a professional who is experienced in diagnosing and well-versed in mental health disorders.

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